Educational Resources

Explore the following educational resources to learn how to improve your reproductive health!

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Introducing "The Fertility Sisterhood: Cleaning Up Your Lifestyle For Future Generations" featuring Dr. Carmen Messerlian, Harvard Epidemiologist and Fertility Expert, and her sister, Lara Messerlian. In this podcast, Carmen and Lara discuss what everyone needs to know about how the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and our everyday environmental exposures, impact our health and, therefore, our fertility. Listen as they share practical tips for how you can clean up your lifestyle — not only for yourself but for future generations. Brought to you by Rescripted.

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Featured: EDCs in Our Diets

As you prepare your meals for this holiday season, learn what you can do to minimize your EDC exposure!

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can be found in our food and beverages. Learn about how these chemicals can affect your health, how you can identify them in your products, and how you can reduce your exposure.

Understanding Chemicals & Common Sources of Exposure:

What are EDCs?

Learn about endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). What are EDCs? How do they affect your health? Where are they hiding? How can you reduce your exposure?

What are Phthalates?

Learn about phthalates, a class of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). What are phthalates? How do they affect your health? Where are they hiding? How can you reduce your exposure?

What are phenols?

Learn about phenols, a class of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). What are phenols? How do they affect your health? Where are they hiding? How can you reduce your exposure?

What are PFAS?

Learn about per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a class of endocrine disrupting chemicals. What are PFAS? How do they affect your health? Where are they hiding? How can you reduce your exposure?

EDcs in our personal care products

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can be found in our personal care products. Learn about how these chemicals can affect your health, how you can identify them in your products, and how you can reduce your exposure.

Resources for Patients and Families:

Female health and EDC exposure

Learn about how women are exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and how it affects their reproductive health. Women tend to be at higher risk of elevated EDC exposure as a result of their consumer habits— where are EDCs hiding? How can you avoid them?

Male health and EDC exposure

Learn about how men are exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and how it affects their reproductive health. Where are EDCs hiding? How can you avoid them?

Newborn health and EDC exposure

Learn about how you can strategies to reduce endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) exposure as you prepare to bring your newborn home. What are EDCs? How do they affect your baby’s health? Where are they hiding?

Adolescent health and EDC exposure

Learn about how endocrine disrupting chemicals can impact adolescent health. What are EDCs? How are adolescents commonly exposed to these chemicals? What strategies can they use to reduce their exposure?


Learn about how you can reduce your child’s exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) as they prepare to return to school. What are EDCs? Where are they hiding? How do they affect your child’s health?

Conception, fertility, and EDCs

Learn about how endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can affect you and your partner’s reproductive health. What are EDCs? Where are they hiding? How can you reduce your exposure?

Resources for Healthcare providers:

healthcare workers and EDC exposure

Learn about how health care workers are exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). What are EDCs? How do they impact your health? What can you do to reduce your exposure in the workplace?

resources for pediatricians

Learn how to share information about endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) with your pediatric patients and their families. What are EDCs? How do they impact your patient’s health? How can your patient reduce their exposure?

Resources for obstetrician gynecologists and ivf doctors

Learn how to share information about endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) with your obstetric and gynecology patients. What are EDCs? How do they impact your patient’s health? How can your patient reduce their exposure?

Other Occupational Resources:

nail Salon workers and EDC exposure

Nail salon workers can experience high levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) exposure in the workplace. Learn what EDCs are, how they impact your health, and how you can reduce your exposure.

cleaners and EDC exposure

Cleaning workers can experience high levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) exposure in the workplace. Learn what EDCs are, how they impact your health, and how you can reduce your exposure.

Mental Health Resources:

Mental and Reproductive Health

Mental health and reproductive health are connected and influence one another. Learn about why your mental health is important for your reproductive health and vice versa.

Trauma of Infertility and Miscarriage

Roughly 1 in 8 couples struggle with infertility, defined as being unable to get pregnant after one year of consistent and unprotected sex. Learn more about how to manage the trauma of infertility and miscarriage.

Minimizing Processed and Plastic Items

Do you want to learn how to minimize the processed and plastic items in your life? Explore the Silent Springs website to for advice on reducing your plastic consumption and selecting alternative products. 

Cleaner Make-up, Hair, & Hygiene Products

Are you looking to invest in cleaner make-up, hair, or hygiene products? Check out the EWG Skin Deep website to learn about the chemicals in your current products and which safe, affordable alternatives you should consider.

Learn more about Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

Are you interested in learning more about these “forever chemicals” that are pervasive in our environment? Explore the research done by the STEEP Program at the University of Rhode Island.

Additional Resources & Tools

  • Environmental Working Group

    An online platform that employs breakthrough research to empower individuals to make informed choices about their consumer products.

  • Silent Springs Institute

    A mission-driven scientific research organization dedicated to uncovering the environmental causes of breast cancer.

  • Detox Me

    A reliable, healthy-lifestyle guide empowering individuals to eliminate toxic chemicals from their daily life with simple, research-based tips.

  • "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think"

    -Christopher Robin