Dollar stores moving to remove dangerous plastics from their shelves | 5-24-2019

The Dollar Store, which services a majority of the lower income or Hispanic and African American communities, joined the Chemical Footprint Project to reduce the toxic chemicals, phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA) in many of their products. Studies showed the children's toys and many other products such as plastic straws had above the regulated level of phthalates and lead leading to increased contact with these chemicals for an already disproportionately affected population, lower socioeconomic and the Hispanic and African American Communities. This was the first step to reduce the exposures, but regulations are only on certain products or certain chemicals which may not be the route to minimize overall exposure in the U.S., rather following other countries leads to set regulatory levels across the board for all phthalates and phenols may be a better solution. Overall to reduce the risks of exposure to phenol, phthalates, and other toxic chemicals in plastics the Dollar Stores are taking the first step in the right direction.


Phthalates, pregnancy loss, and gestational diabetes